Database Exporting Help!

Erich Zigler erichz at
Tue May 21 16:55:30 PDT 2002

 just upgraded to pre13 and set it to populate my sqlradius database located
on another machine.

The DBD line is;dbname=radius

The postgres log files show that I am connecting just fine.

However the freeside-sqlradius-reset script dies with...

Database handle destroyed without explicit disconnect at
/usr/local/bin/freeside-sqlradius-reset line 20.
Undefined subroutine &FS::part_export::sqlradius::_export_insert called at
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/FS/ line 384.

Help would be greatly appreciated since I cannot add new users or change
passwords at this time.

Thank you.

lpr: /dev/lp0 is on fire

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