[freeside] First Month Charges

ivan ivan at 420.am
Tue Mar 19 21:29:58 PST 2002

On Wed, Mar 20, 2002 at 12:04:04AM -0500, freeside at globalli.com wrote:
> I just installed 1.4.0pre11 on my server and I was wondering it was
> possible to have it charge full months price for the first month and then
> flat rate from the 1st of the month after that.
> Hopefully that is not confusing, but I will try to work it this way.  We
> want a customer to be charged the full amount no matter what time of the
> month they sign up and then their next month is due on the 1st of the next
> month.  Therefore if we charged $100 a month and they signed up on the
> 15th of March they would be billed $100 for March 15 - March 31 and then
> their next bill would be for $100 from April 1 - April 30.
> Let me know if this is possible, or what script I should hack up to make
> these changes to allow this to happen.

You'd need to add a new price plan to httemplate/edit/part_pkg.cgi

I sugest starting with the "prorate" plan as a skeleton (it already does
the date manipulation you're looking for); it would need to be adjusted to
charge full price for the first month.

Good luck!  Please consider contributing your changes back to the


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