[freeside] vpopmail with mysql integration
ivan at 420.am
Tue Feb 26 12:08:54 PST 2002
1 - you don't need to modify the code to do this, just use the
`shellmachine-useradd' configuration value.
2 - passing passwords on the command line is a security risk as they can
be captured with ps(1). In addition, your code does not escape the
password and thus opens a rather large security hole. For example,
what would happen if a user set their password to: `rm -rf /`
(including the quotes) ?
On Tue, Feb 26, 2002 at 12:33:27PM -0600, Rick Eicher II wrote:
> Here is what I got so far on this:
> #!/usr/bin/perl -w
> use strict;
> use FS::Record qw(qsearch qsearchs);
> use FS::svc_acct;
> use FS::svc_domain;
> use FS::UID qw(adminsuidsetup datasrc dbh);
> use Net::SSH qw(ssh);
> adminsuidsetup "rick";
> my(@svc_acct) = qsearch('svc_acct', {});
> foreach my $key (@svc_acct) {
> my ($username)=$key->getfield('username');
> my ($password)=$key->getfield('_password');
> my ($dom)=$key->getfield('domsvc');
> my ($domain)=qsearchs('svc_domain',{'svcnum' => "$dom"});
> my $emaildomain = $domain->getfield('domain');
> ssh("root\@$machine", "/home/vpopmail/bin/vadduser
> $username\@$emaildomain $password") == 0 or die
> "ssh error: $!";
> }
> This is just a test script that I will later insert near the bottom of the
> svc_acct.export file.
> Things that still need to be addressed:
> 1. not running a million(I wish we were that large) ssh sessions
> 2. see if the email address already exists before trying to do the insert
> 3. integrate it into freeside so it is an option on the config page
> Any and all comments or jokes about my code is welcomed.
> Rick Eicher II
> www.pbol.net
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