popselector changes on signup.cgi

Stephen Bechard steve at destek.net
Sun Dec 8 10:57:07 PST 2002

I now have Freeside running with our live customer
base and its working great!

Now, I wanted to get the Signup Server live for
new customer signups. I got it up and running
without any problems, however, I noticed that the
popselector output doesn't generate the same results
as adding a new customer via the Freeside Web Interface.

Freeside Web Interface produces:
city, state (ac)/exch-loc

Signup.cgi produces:
city, state (ac)/exch

It seems as though the loc is not displayed.
I have modified the signup.cgi to I think what
should be the correct fix. (See diff below)

It would also be nice if the popselector would
sort the results by city rather than by the popnum,
but I can't seem to get it to work via changes
to the signup.cgi script.

Any suggestions would be great.


NS# diff -u signup.original.cgi signup.cgi
--- signup.original.cgi Thu May 30 18:45:20 2002
+++ signup.cgi  Sun Dec  8 13:43:39 2002
@@ -363,7 +363,7 @@

   return '<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="popnum" VALUE="">' unless @$pops;
   return $pops->[0]{city}. ', '. $pops->[0]{state}.
-         ' ('. $pops->[0]{ac}. ')/'. $pops->[0]{exch}.
+         ' ('. $pops->[0]{ac}. ')/'. $pops->[0]{exch}. '-'.
          '<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="popnum" VALUE="'. $pops->[0]{popnum}.
     if scalar(@$pops) == 1;

@@ -391,7 +391,7 @@
     foreach my $pop ( @{$pop{$popstate}}) {
       my $o_popnum = $pop->{popnum};
       my $poptext =  $pop->{city}. ', '. $pop->{state}.
-                     ' ('. $pop->{ac}. ')/'. $pop->{exch};
+                     ' ('. $pop->{ac}. ')/'. $pop->{exch}. '-'.

       $text .= "opt(what.form.popnum, \"$o_popnum\", \"$poptext\");\n"
@@ -411,7 +411,7 @@
     $text .= qq!<OPTION VALUE="!. $pop->{popnum}. '"'.
              ( ( $popnum && $pop->{popnum} == $popnum ) ? ' SELECTED' :
'' ). ">".
              $pop->{city}. ', '. $pop->{state}.
-               ' ('. $pop->{ac}. ')/'. $pop->{exch};
+               ' ('. $pop->{ac}. ')/'. $pop->{exch}. '-'. $pop->{loc};
   $text .= '</SELECT>';

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