[freeside] RSA Authentication

Walter Grace wegrace at ga.prestige.net
Tue Sep 25 12:24:39 PDT 2001


I put a couple lines of code in the fs_signup_server script to print out 
the environment variables.
Does anything stand out as to what could be wrong?

The value of DISPLAY is :0
The value of COLORTERM is gnome-terminal
The value of _ is /usr/local/etc/freeside/fs_signup/fs_signup_server
The value of QTDIR is /usr/lib/qt-2.1.0 The value of LS_COLORS 

The value of SHLVL is 4
The value of KDEDIR is /usr
The value of OSTYPE is Linux
The value of ENV is /root/.bashrc
The value of HISTSIZE is 1000
The value of WINDOWID is 54526063
The value of INPUTRC is /etc/inputrc
The value of LESSOPEN is |/usr/bin/lesspipe.sh %s
The value of HOSTNAME is atlantis
The value of USERNAME is root
The value of USER is freeside
The value of HOSTTYPE is i386
The value of HOME is /home/freeside
The value of TERM is xterm
The value of LOGNAME is freeside
The value of PATH is/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/root/bin
The value of SHELL is /bin/bash
The value of MAIL is /var/spool/mail/root
The value of LANG is en_US

I thought that ENV or USERNAME might be a clue, but I've tried running this 
while logged on as user freeside and not su'd to user freeside from root 
with the same results.

I am currently running the fs_signup_server script from the command line 
just as I am running ssh.

Again, thanks for your help

Walter Grace

At 10:41 AM 9/25/01 -0700, you wrote:
>On Tue, Sep 25, 2001 at 01:18:03PM -0400, Walter Grace wrote:
> > Ivan,
> >
> > I put the fs_signup_server script in debug mode and it appears that it is
> > shelling into the external machine and attempting to send everything.
> >
> >       "Host key not found from database"
>This is an error from ssh.  Something's different about the enviroment
>when it's being run from fs_signup_server (probably $HOME).
> > Does the secure shell authentication have to be set up in both directions?

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