
Adam Rose adamr at
Mon Sep 17 07:49:00 PDT 2001

We have been having some issues with ICradius crashing when the
svc_acct.export script copys the tables from the freeside database to the
radius database.  The lock on the tables causes the radius daemon to time
out during the export.  The problem lies in that users are trying to
authenticate while the export it going on.  

I like the idea of having a secure connection between the two machines.  I
have thought of having the svc_acct methods insert,replace, and delete 
from/into the radius database "real-time".  My schema consists of using th
e SSH perl wrapper to :
  ssh(root at radiusmachine,'echo"<mysql-statement>"|mysql -u$user -p$pass

I know this is really nasty,but the only other way I see to do it is to
have a job table that gets cleared out every time the svc_acct.export
script is run.  That way only changes to the freeside database are
reflected in the radius database.  But, of course, making this secure
entitles doing something like above.  

I do realize that all methods require some server overhead.

I could use any advise on this issue.  Any other ideas on how to cure this
issue would be greatly appreciated.

Freeside 1.3.1
MySQL w/Berkley DB
perl 5.00503
Linux 2.2.18pre11


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