[freeside] Password lengths (again)

Adam Rose adamr at eaze.net
Fri Jun 8 10:53:08 PDT 2001

Hmm, sounds like your trying to excell at being a BOFH. :)


On Fri, 8 Jun 2001 rdailey at colusanet.com wrote:

> I know how much we are all against passwords longer than eight characters ;)
> So, how about this one:  Passwords can be of indeterminate length when 
> entered.  Then, when the svc_acct.export script is run, it only reads the 
> first eight characters of the password when generating the passwd 
> file?  This way, the radius file part gets all characters, and the passwd 
> (for e-mail) gets the eight significant and I don't have to explain to all 
> of our users that they need to come up with a new password and reconfigure 
> their boxes.
> Can anyone help me with the necessary code?
> Rick Dailey
> ColusaNET
> <mailto:%2F%2Frdailey at colusanet.com>rdailey at colusanet.com


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