[freeside] setup queue (feature suggestion?)

Vlad Sedov vlad at humbleguys.net
Wed Aug 29 08:36:57 PDT 2001

> to clarify: i do think that the jobs should be stuck in an sql table and
> run asynchronously by a daemon that queries the tables.  i *don't* think
> that this daemon should run on external servers; it should run on your
> secure backend billing machine (or machines) and ssh to any external
> machines if necessary.

i agree... i started working on the code... so far it's rather primitive, because i don't have much object-oriented perl experience yet... I'm still trying to figure out how the FS perl modules work and how to use them to pull account data out of the system.. :-|

i'm eager to get this working and share whatever patches i might conjure up with the list...
but first - this might sound stupid - i have to figure out how the API works.


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