What is the correct format for importing dates

Bob Roswell Broswell at syssrc.com
Wed Aug 29 07:49:16 PDT 2001

I have been trying to import customers using my version of TEMPLATE_cust_main.import.

I am getting Illegal expiration date.  I have tried every date format I can think of including the seconds since the epoch 999095377 currently .

What is the correct format?

Exact error meesage is 
tax: Y|
daytime: 4104556802|
country: US|
First: |
first: margie|
LegaceyBillingData: 4|
paydate: 02/02/02|
payby: COMP|
state: MD|
address1: 1234 Guilford Terrace|
address2: nosecondline|
night: 410-467-3727|
payinfo: EDCENTER|
city: Baltimore|
fax: 410-555-1222|
Zip: |
username: mroswell|
last: roswell|
zip: 21204|
custnum: 1234|
company: infographics|
Illegal expiration date: 02/02/02 at ./TEMPLATE_cust_main.import line 135, <CLIENT> line 4.

Perl   This is perl, v5.6.1 built for i686-linux
Linux is RedHat Linux 7.1 running 2.4.2 kernel
Database Postgres 7.0.3
DBI is 10.8  200/06/11
DBD is $DBD::Pg::VERSION = '0.95';

Bob Roswell
System Source
338 Clubhouse Road
Hunt Valley, MD  21031
410-771-5544 ext 4336
broswell at syssrc.com

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