[freeside] MySql Help

Curtis Maurand curtis at canon.maurand.com
Wed Aug 1 03:57:18 PDT 2001

$_ is a standard variable in Perl.  If you don't know that, then you need to
go read the docs.  Everytime you read a file, each line of the file that you
read in, by default is read into the variable $_.  Pattern matches do their
searches by default against $_  I don't remember having to configure apache
for the user.  What I did need a mapsecrets file.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Jason Spence" <thalakan at frys.com>
To: <ivan-freeside at sisd.com>
Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2001 5:04 AM
Subject: Re: [freeside] MySql Help

> On Wed, Aug 01, 2001 at 12:05:47AM -0700, ivan developed
> a new theory of relativity and:
> > Interesting.  If that's actually something people need to do Freeside's
> > configuration stuff will have to be renamed.  I don't think so, though.
> > Note the following paragraph in the documentation:
> While we're on the subject of the configuration files, I'd like to do
> something about mapsecrets so that it gets generated from a SQL
> table.  Consider the following:
> You have 150 people selling service.  Your mapsecrets file has 150
> entries.  You have one agent per person selling your service.  You
> have to create new agents in:
> 1) Apache configuration files
> 2) the agent table
> 3) mapsecrets
> Now, I know you're saying "gee Jason, why don't you just have everyone
> use the same agent number and sort the orders out by otaker?"
> Well, because then I'd have to write FS::otakers and a bunch of other
> stuff before I can even get started doing ACLs.  Yes, I said ACLs.  I
> want to keep the random salespeople from suspending random accounts or
> cancelling them.  Will the ACLs be done by otaker, or by agent and
> then mapping the otaker to an agent?
> By the way, I can't seem to figure out the intent behind the code in
> htdocs (er, httemplate)/edit/cust_main.cgi re figuring out which agent
> to use to generate the list of packages:
>   my @part_pkg = grep { $_->svcpart('svc_acct') && $pkgpart->{
$_->pkgpart } }
>     qsearch( 'part_pkg', {} );
> Where is $_ getting defined?
>     foreach my $part_pkg ( @part_pkg ) {
>       print qq!<OPTION VALUE="!,
> #              $part_pkg->pkgpart. "_". $pkgpart{ $part_pkg->pkgpart },
>               $part_pkg->pkgpart. "_". $part_pkg->svcpart, '"';
>       print " SELECTED" if $pkgpart && ( $part_pkg->pkgpart == $pkgpart );
>       print ">", $part_pkg->pkg, " - ", $part_pkg->comment;
> I can't use the built in agent mechanism to do ACLs for things like
> suspension and cancellation, but I can use it for selecting which
> package types the marketing types are allowed to sign up.  Problem is,
> I can't seem to figure out the rules as to how cust_main.cgi figures
> out which packages to stick in the list of packages available for new
> customers.
> --
>  - Jason
> "Text processing has made it possible to right-justify any idea, even
> one which cannot be justified on any other grounds."
> -- J. Finnegan, USC.

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