[freeside] local signup

ivan ivan at 420.am
Thu Nov 23 00:52:41 PST 2000

On Thu, Nov 23, 2000 at 03:24:16AM -0000, Webmaster wrote:
> Redhat 6.2, perl 5.00503, apache 1.3.9, mysql
> Trying to run signup.cgi locally
> ./fs_signup_server freeside mybox.mydomain.com 1 6 as user freeside
> produces
> FATAL: Failed to create user ssh directory.
> no usable package definitions, agent 1 at ./fs_signup_server line 62.
> so of course signup.cgi produces
> connect: Connection refused at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/FS/SignupClient.pm line 102
> any help or documentation for running signup server locally?

The whole point to separate those functions onto different machines.  You
*never* want to accept connections from the 'net in general on your
Freeside machine - that's why you run the signup server remotely.  If for
testing purposes (you *NEVER* want to do this in production - it's
terrible security) you want to run the signup server locally, there isn't
anything special about the configuration.

I'm guessing you didn't correctly follow the step before 

  ./fs_signup _server user machine agentnum refnum

which is:

  Append the identity.pub from the freeside user on your freeside machine
  to the authorized_keys file of the newly created freeside user on the
  external machine(s).

To test if you've done this correctly, you should be able to ssh from the
freeside machine to the external machine, as the freeside user, without
entering a password.


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