One Time Charges

GaryP garyp at
Sun Mar 19 18:28:12 PST 2000

First I would like to thank Ivan and everyone involved in Freeside.  Just
downloaded it last week and have it up and running with few problems.  We
are in the testing phase right now and have a question about 'one time

We have several co-located servers that we charge a set fee for monthly.
>From time to time, an owner of one of these servers will have us upgrade
hardware or install software.  What is the best way to enter this 'one
charge' into Freeside?  The charge is usually different each time,
depending on what the owners wants done.

Thanks again for a great product.

Gary ...

Gary Pickett                                    Connecting America
gary at                         
           Phone: 702-648-0390     Fax:  702-631-3303

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