Signup server, was: Re: [freeside] 1.2.3 released

ivan ivan at
Sat Mar 4 19:29:06 PST 2000

On Fri, Mar 03, 2000 at 11:45:18AM -0600, Tim Jung wrote:
> I do consulting with TUCOWS, and wrote my own signup-server if you want to
> check it out sometime.

The main purpose of writing my own signup server was of course integration
with the billing system - the customer's credit card can be run
immediately (if you're using Cybercash/Authorize.Net/Signio), username
checked, etc. 

> But the reason for this message is that I talked with TUCOWS which gives
> their signup-server away to TUCOWS partners but not the source, and their
> tech guys are going to give me some example code or tell me how to setup the
> Netscape Signup-Server stuff. So I thought you might be interested in that
> stuff for your stuff as well. If so let me know.

Very much so.  If I'm not mistaken, Kristen Hoffman <khoff at>
is working on this - hopefully we can convince him to send us some code
soon.  :) 


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