Billing + Freeside Bill Script

Colin colinc at
Tue Jun 20 20:10:56 PDT 2000

Hello, sorry for being a nusiance.

I have a question regarding the billing of customers. Currently we bill
all customers at the beginning of each month, so this means that the
customer should receive an invoice several days before the beginning of
the next month. It seems as though freeside does not allow customers to
be bill before the date of the next bill.
Eg, Clicking on 'Bill Now' does not create an invoice as the date for
next bill is 01 July 2000.

We also liked to bill every single customer at the same time, it seems
as though this can be acheived by using the freeside-bill script in
/bin. Again, does not seem to bill customers until the next bill date is
matched, even if i specify the date in the command line. When running
this script, also receive errors regarding the card number -

Billing customer #1025
Error collecting customer #1025:Error adding to cust_pay_batch: Illegal
or empty
 (numeric) cardnum: 1234 1234 1234 1 at /usr/bin/freeside-bill line 65.

Not quite sure what this means, but the cust_pay_batch table in mysql
does not contain any data for any of the customers, even for those that
had no error during the script.

I also noticed when viewing the cust_bill table in mysql, some of the
invoices are print 1 while other have 0 in the field. I don't have a
printer hooked up yet, but does this mean that the invoices are printed
each time you run the freeside-bill script, but it won't explain why
some print while other don't.

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