[freeside] Billing and other questions

ivan ivan at 420.am
Mon Jun 5 22:56:19 PDT 2000

On Mon, Jun 05, 2000 at 12:35:04PM +1200, Gordon Smith wrote:
> Hi,
> Could anyone share some pointers for doing time-based billing? I'm
> setting up a server for a small ISP. They want to run both Freeside and
> Radius on the same box.

I advise against doing this.  Your Freeside machine should be behind a
firewall and inaccessable from outside, except for the employees who will
be using it.

Your RADIUS server, OTOH, needs to accept connections from your terminal
servers and is not typically behind a firewall.

The current CVS version of Freeside includes support for maintaining an
ICRADIUS `radcheck' database, and copying that database to any number of
external servers.  I'll try to roll up a release soon.

> I've got ICRADIUS set up on there - should I be
> looking at changing the source to use the freeside database, rather than
> the radius database?
> They also do a mix of plans, most of which involve a set fee per month
> plus an additional charge for time e.g. 50hrs per month, plus an
> additional charge of 0.50c per hour if the user exceeds this time.
> I've searched the archives, and found some references saying it can be
> done - but how? :-)

All prices are perl expressions, evaluated using the Safe module (see
`perldoc Safe').  The $cust_pkg variable being billed is shared with the
expresison when it is being evaluated.


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