[freeside] Adding + Browsing

ivan ivan at 420.am
Tue Jul 18 07:37:58 PDT 2000

This is a problem with the `hidecancelledcustomers' and
`hidecancelledpackages' configuration files in 1.2.3, and is fixed in the
current CVS tree.  See
for the diffs.
I'll try to get 1.2.4 out soon.

On Mon, May 01, 2000 at 12:24:43PM +1200, colinc wrote:
> I seem to have a problem with freeside when the customers have been entered into
> the mysql database. I am running freeside 1.2.3 on Linux Slackware 2.0.34
> After defining all the services, packages, agents etc. I add a customer + the
> associated package with no problems.
> When I attempt to select the browse 'customers by last name' (or any browse by
> customer link) there is absolutely no customers listed, however, if i select
> browse by 'package by package number' the package for that customer would be
> listed and i can access the customer details through here. The same 'no matching
> customers found' message is also displayed when i attempt to search customers.
> I did notice that if I did not setup the services and therefore did not assign a
> package to the customer when adding a customer, i could browse by customer options
> and search the customers, however, once i defined a service and package and assign
> the customers the packages, they can no longer be browsed or searched, but can
> still access the details through the browse by package options.
> Any help would be appreciated.


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