[freeside] feature request

ivan ivan at 420.am
Fri Apr 7 03:55:23 PDT 2000

On Sat, Mar 25, 2000 at 03:26:19PM -0600, David Morton wrote:
> Ok, now I remember the other feature that stuck out at me as a must have
> - a Perl/Tk interface.  It make entering information a lot easier. :) 
> I'm exploring Perl/Tk right now, so I might be able to help.  Is there
> any active work being done in the UI area?

Nope, in fact while I've rewritten and worked on the library code a lot
since Freeside became open-source, I've worked on the UI code
comparitively little.  Things are abstracted fairly well; you should be
able to build an interface using the existing library code without too
much hassle.

I played with Gtk for a while and would recommend it; a bit newer than Tk
but also nicer looking and with more active development. 

I'm very interested in seeing an X interface of any sort.


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