Help again...

Kirk Moore kmoore at
Wed Sep 1 22:42:29 PDT 1999


here is where we stand... we have the newest version of DBI::mysql up and
running. We have double and tripled check the configurations. We have
mapsecrets located in both the conf.DBI and the directory right above it.

When we run fs-setup freeside, we get the user not found in mapsecrets. We
really need to get this package up and running. Once running... I will be
able to put a cheat sheet of sorts together so that others will know what to
look for. Also have a why to track the other Opps and Oh ya's that I have
seen here...

Please, we direct answers to problems... Not the well if this or that. Some
of you have installed this many times. You can probably tell us very quickly
what is wrong.

We are running on SuSE 6.2, Mysql Version: 3.22.25. We have Msql-Mysql
1.2206 as the DBI...

Thanks in advance for your helps and responses....

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