Adding multiple-service packages, Was: dbdef problems?
Ivan Kohler
ivan at
Wed Oct 20 05:46:34 PDT 1999
On Tue, Oct 19, 1999 at 01:07:59PM -0700, Joel Griffiths wrote:
> On Tue, 19 Oct 1999, you sed:
> >
> > Also note that (AFAIK) Freeside won't display any package that has more
> > than one service on the "Add Customer" page.
> Good point. I forgot to mention that. The package selection on the Add User
> Page is almost completely useless because of this.
> > The reason for this is
> > because there's no way to dynamically alter the displayed html form
> > based on which package is selected.
> I thought I would attempt to change this on my version of Freeside but I
> quickly found out that the original database layout and Perl code was not set
> up for this kind of application. Some serious programming would be required to
> change it, possibly even starting from scratch in many cases.
I'm afraid I don't understand you here; the database layout and library
code (FS::cust_main, FS::cust_pkg, etc) should easily do this given a
user-interface that would work (GTK, for example).
> > One possible solution would be to
> > make an additional page that's used in the signup process that would
> > display the form for each package, like a MS-style "Wizard". The first
> > page lets you select the package, then the second page has the custom
> > form with fields for each service in that package and a save button. Of
> > course, that would require a little perl work.
> Now this is an idea! This could actually work. That is probably the best
> solution.
Agreed; excellent idea (and, as always, patches welcome).
Ivan Kohler <ivan at> - finger for PGP key - <moc.dsis at navi> Relhok Navi
Open-source billing and administration for ISPs -
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