[freeside] freeside-bill problem

dk smith dks at spies.com
Sat Oct 2 13:49:26 PDT 1999

>This used to run right but now I get
>Use of uninitialized value at /usr/bin/freeside-bill line 34.
>printed for each customer.
>I'm running fs-1.2.2 which was upgraded from 1.2.1.
>Thanks in advance for any ideas.
>Christopher Weimann SysAdmin          	Wall Internet LLC.
>Email: cweimann at wallnet.com           	PO Box 255
>Web: http://www.wallnet.com/~cweimann 	Manasquan NJ, 08736
>					732-223-1777

dks at spies.com   |   Perception is nine tenths of the law.

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