Differing modem pools and more details

Ivan Kohler ivan at sisd.com
Wed May 19 04:27:19 PDT 1999

On Sun, May 16, 1999 at 12:31:00PM -0600, Ben Leibig wrote:
> Hello, I just got Freeside setup for a second time(once more I am attempting
> to use it as my billing software)  I got everything installed and running
> alright however I have two remaining questions(at the moment).
> 1: I have two diffrent modem pools, one does 56k and one does 33.6.  As I
> understand it I can restrict users access to the 56k pool by creating a
> radius group and not inclduing them.  The question is, how do I include the
> 56k users in this group automagically when the 56k servace is given to them?

The 56k service definition should contain a fixed value for the relevant
RADIUS attribute. 

> 2: The meanings and defaults of all of the fields in the add new services
> menus are really unclear, does off make it disactive, or cause it to default
> to what it should be.  How do i get home to default to home/username?

Off and default allow the value to be set.  Fixed doesn't.

If you want home directories to go in `/home/username', put `/home' in the
config file `home', and leave the `svc_acct__dir' set to off in the
service definition. 

Ivan Kohler <ivan at sisd.com> - finger for PGP key - <moc.dsis at navi> Relhok Navi
Open-source billing and administration for ISPs - http://www.sisd.com/freeside
20 4,16 * * * saytime # please don't be surprised if you find me dreaming too

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