
Ivan Kohler ivan at sisd.com
Wed Jun 30 03:28:27 PDT 1999

On Fri, Jun 25, 1999 at 03:21:35PM -0600, Ben Leibig wrote:
> My problem is that my freeside system has about 40 system specific and
> administrator accounts.  svc_acct.import seems to always crash on an error,
> and it would be fairly time consuming to enter each one in.

You could fix the errors which you are getting from svc_acct.import.  It
was written to automate that process.

> Is there any
> way to get freeside to work off the current password file, am I doing
> something wrong?

No, Freeside does not work off a local password file.

Ivan Kohler <ivan at sisd.com> - finger for PGP key - <moc.dsis at navi> Relhok Navi
Open-source billing and administration for ISPs - http://www.sisd.com/freeside
20 4,16 * * * saytime # please don't be surprised if you find me dreaming too

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