Add Customer

Christopher Norris chris at
Fri Jun 18 13:46:23 PDT 1999

Get me off this list , how about the append in domo to show how.

At 04:19 PM 6/18/99 -0400, you wrote:
>On Fri, Jun 18, 1999 at 02:51:16PM -0500, Scott Cruzen wrote:
>> On the Add Customer screen, if a package has more than one service
>> assigned to it (for example, an account with dialup and an extra pop
>> mail account), then it doesn't display the packages at the bottom.
>Yes, right now, the one-screen customer entry can only be used for some
>sorts of packages - specifically those with a single service with table
>svc_acct.  If you extend it to handle more complex situations, it would be
>great if you could send your changes in. 
>You can, of course, order packages from the customer view screen, and
>setup services from the package view screen. 
>> I would expect it to display all packages no matter how many services
>> are assigned to them. 
>>  It also might be nice to have a configurable number
>> of packages to list (First package, Second package etc).
>That's a good idea.  
>> The code that affects this behavior seems to be in
>> /freeside/edit/cust_main.cgi around line 367 thru 389, but I haven't yet
>> figured out exactly what's going on there or what should be happening.
>Yes.  That's the code that pulls up packages that meet the criteria
>outlined above (contain a single service with table svc_acct).
>Now, with a real user interface, you would make that display the
>appropriate number of ( username, domain or mail aliase ) form fields each
>time you change the package selector.  Wouldn't be too hard to use.
>With a web interface, though, you have to create all the form fields
>up front, and don't get to change them on the fly.  I can't think of a 
>way to do this that isn't kludgy to the point of uselessness.  Hence
>packages with a single service only.
>Don't forget the processing in edit/process/cust_main.cgi 109-171 (though
>quite possibly some of the logic here will move to
>> I'm using mysql 3.22.23b, perl 5.004_04 and I've tried fs-1.2 and
>> fs-current with the same effects.
>Yep.  I expect it will behave like that until someone changes it.  
>Ivan Kohler <ivan at> - finger for PGP key - <moc.dsis at navi> Relhok
>Open-source billing and administration for ISPs -
>20 4,16 * * * saytime # please don't be surprised if you find me dreaming too

      \\|//                       Christopher Norris
      (o o)                      Systems Administrator
Unix is user friendly, it's just selective about who its friends are.
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