Access denied problem...Help!

Scott Nelson drenalin at
Wed Jun 16 13:00:33 PDT 1999

At 11:05 AM -0700 6/16/99, Chris Martin wrote:
>Im recieving an "Forbidden...You don't have permission to access
>/freeside/edit/cust_main.cgi" when trying to add a new customer.
>I'm using RedHat Linux 6.0 with MySQL and mod_perl.
>In my httpd error.log it says "Options ExecCGI is off in this directory:
>Can someone help me?

This is a problem with your Web Server configuration.  You need to turn the
ExecCGI option on for your Freeside directory or server wide, usually this
is in srm.conf or in the latest versions of Apache it's in just in

If you aren't able to find this on your own you should refer to the Apache
web site,, for more information on the Options directives.

If you have any other questions you can email me privately and I'll see if
I can answer.


 Scott Nelson - President / Network Admin - Ultima Networks
 >>> scott at >>> >>>
      (888) 600-8665 << (831) 771-1230 << (831) 771-1473 fax

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