[freeside] Help with imported data

Ivan Kohler ivan at sisd.com
Wed Aug 25 02:43:52 PDT 1999

On Mon, Aug 23, 1999 at 05:24:25PM -0600, Tech Account wrote:
> Howdy, I have our customers in Freeside now, but I do have a problem...
> We are in the middle of a billing cycle, and I have payments from the
> past which I need to post, as well as importing the current status
> of payments into the accounts.  Once that is done, I have to run a 
> clean billing cycle and verify that the invoices which are generated
> are correct.  Is there an easy way to do this?  Can I enter in owed
> amounts and payments in a batch mode?  How do I make freeside think
> someone owes money?

By ordering packages which cost money.

To do this non-interactively, see the `FS::cust_pkg' manpage.  If you need
to do the equivalent of the `Customize Pricing' button from the web
interface, so you can assign different prices to everyone, see the
`FS::part_pkg' manpage.

> What if this amount
> is more or less than the amount of the current packages for that
> user?

It isn't, by definition.

>  There must be some way to handle this, I can't imagine everyone
> using the system started out using it....
> Please advise...code examples would be nice, but I'll take whatever
> I can get!

There's example code for adding payments in htdocs/docs/billing.html. 
Joel Griffiths posted example code for doing too (among other things); 
check the mailing list archive.

Incidentally, Joel, sorry I forgot to snag that and put it in 1.2.2.  Did
I already ask for you to put an explicit license on it?)

Ivan Kohler <ivan at sisd.com> - finger for PGP key - <moc.dsis at navi> Relhok Navi
Open-source billing and administration for ISPs - http://www.sisd.com/freeside
20 4,16 * * * saytime # please don't be surprised if you find me dreaming too

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