New configuration values and other stuff

Ivan Kohler ivan at
Wed Aug 11 22:19:35 PDT 1999

...just tested them & checked them into CVS:

hidecancelledpackages - The existance of this file will prevent cancelled
  packages from showing up in listings (though they will still be in the

hidecancelledcustomers - The existance of this file will prevent customers
  with only cancelled packages from showing up in listings (though they
  will still be in the database)

passwordmin - Minimum password length (default 6);

usernamemin - Minimum username length (default 2);

usernamemax - Maximum username length (default is the size of the SQL
column, probably specified when fs-setup was run)

Also, some new config files you might not be aware of if you haven't
looked recently: 

deletecustomers - The existance of this file will enable customer
  deletions.  Be very careful!  Deleting a customer will remove all traces
  that this customer ever existed!  It should probably only be used when
  auditing a legacy database.  Normally, you cancel all of a customers'
  packages if they cancel service.

editreferrals - The existance of this file will allow you to change the
  referral of existing customers.

showpasswords - The existance of this file will allow unencrypted user
  passwords to be displayed.

There's also a new billing script, installed along with the new Perl
modules.  Try `man freeside-bill' once you install those.

I'll roll up a new stable release soon.

Ivan Kohler <ivan at> - finger for PGP key - <moc.dsis at navi> Relhok Navi
Open-source billing and administration for ISPs -
20 4,16 * * * saytime # please don't be surprised if you find me dreaming too

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