Is it true ?

Ivan Kohler ivan at
Tue Apr 13 23:08:10 PDT 1999

On Tue, 13 Apr 1999 08:25:43 -0600, Jerry Allen wrote:

[ referring to the error:
    Can't call method "table" on an undefined value at
    /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/FS/ line 737.
  ...for which a fix was posted ]

> I did get past that error... It had to do with no packages/services being
> setup.
> The packages/services must be setup before anything can be done with
> customers it seems. Now that customer is a dead duck. I can not do
> anything with that one that I added before setting up services.

Can you elaborate on this?  A "dead duck" doesn't mean much; what do you
try and do, what happens, what error message do you get, etc?

Setting up services and packages can't lock out a customer added
beforehand.  Does the original customer has an agent (type) that isn't
permitted to purchase any packages, while subsequent customers have a
different agent (type)?

> But now...
> Error: Illegal shell /bin/bash
> Customer # (NEW)
> - ---
> Which is in the legal shells... I am thinking bugs.

I couldn't reproduce this problem.  When you say "in the legal shells", do
you mean you setup a `shells' configuration file containing `/bin/bash'?
What is the full path name, and permissons on your `shells' configuration
file?  Have you checked carefully for extraneous whitespace in the
`shells' configuration file and in the service definition?

> Maybe there will be a maint. release or something. All I know is the list
> is dead, you are the only one I have heard from.

Yes, there will shortly be a maintenance release.

It would certainly help me if you would report your problem to the mailing
list, instead of a chance forward to myself personally.

Ivan Kohler <ivan at> - finger for PGP key - <moc.dsis at navi> Relhok Navi
Open-source billing and administration for ISPs -
20 4,16 * * * saytime # please don't be surprised if you find me dreaming too

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