PQconnectdb() problem

Robert Davidson roblo at ebbs.com.au
Tue Oct 13 04:37:30 PDT 1998

Hi People. Feel free to help me!

Here's my new error :-)


Creating cust_pkg...DBD::Pg::db do failed: WARN:parser: parse error at or
near "null"
CREATE error: WARN:parser: parse error at or near "null"

doing statement: CREATE TABLE cust_pkg ( setup int NULL, pkgnum int , bill
int NULL, cancel int NULL, otaker varchar(8) , pkgpart int , susp int
NULL, expire int NULL, custnum int , PRIMARY KEY (pkgnum) ) at ./fs-setup
line 167.

Ivan: Thanks for including some example configs in version 1.1.3.

Ivan Kohler wrote:

> Sorry for the delay getting back to you.
> Yes, the current PostgreSQL port was contributed.  At this time I develop
> using MySQL, though I will attempt to do more testing with PostgreSQL.
> Both PostgreSQL and MySQL have some non-standard CREATE syntax, though
> most other commands (SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) have identical
> syntax.  I missed a small quirk in PostgreSQL, which should be corrected
> by the attached dbdef_column.pm file.  You (and anyone else using
> PostgreSQL) should put this in your site_perl directory.  It will be
> included in all later versions.
> Please tell me if you have any further problems.

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