To add ...

Ivan Kohler ivan at
Sat May 9 13:55:16 PDT 1998


On Thu, 7 May 1998, Max wrote:

> Also.. to add to the last message...
> The svc_acct.import script is putting the passwd.import and shadow.import
> into the spool directory, but is not adding the accounts to the database
> itself. It shows TONS of Illegal shell errors (and every shell used in
> /etc/passwd is listed in that file you mentioned the other day). Aside
> from illegal shell, it shows illegal slipip, quite a few times, and 
> illegal username once or twice. Am I correct in saying that the purpose of
> this script is to take existing accounts and assign them service numbers
> so customers can be 'link'ed to them? I was just curious about that.

Yes, it is.

Also, you need to have your complete passwd/shadow files in the database
so that the svc_acct.export script generates complete files. 

If you have things in your password file that it doesn't like, the data
checks are in site_perl/  You need to change those data checks
if they aren't correct for you particular installation, or fix your
passwd/shadow file if you have incorrect stuff in there.  If you like,
send over the shell and username columns from your passwd file and I'll
try and see why it doesn't match.

You also need to make sure you've set $pop_shell, $shell_svcpart and
$popmail_svcpart in svc_acct.import and that in the administration
section, all these svcparts have their slipip set as "Fixed" (with the
value either empty for no SLIP/PPP or for dynamic)

Sorry for the lack of documentation on this whole process.  If it makes
you feel any better, I'm using much of this thread as documentation in the
next verison.  :)

- -- 
Ivan Kohler <ivan at> - finger for PGP key
Silicon Interactive Software Design -
Open source billing and administration for ISPs -
Simulation.  Do not drive in the ocean.

Version: 2.6.3ia
Charset: noconv


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