Deleting items from the part_pkg and part_svc listings

Allen Short washort at
Thu Jun 11 12:44:08 PDT 1998

Is there a method in Freeside to remove items from the package and
service tables or must this be done using a client for the SQL database?

Also, when clicking the 'add' button in the 'add services' page, I
receive an 'Internal Server Error' and this appears in my httpd logs:

access to /opt/fs-1.0.0/htdocs//edit/process/part_pkg.cgi failed for, reason: malformed header from script. Bad
header=HTTP/1.0 302 Moved Temporarily

I'm running Red Hat Linux 5.0 with Apache and mysql, using Netscape
Communicator for Windows 95 as my browser. Also, this is not a dedicated
machine -- thus, everything is aliased in Apache to reside under

Any help would be appreciated.

Allen Short

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