Freeside for Australian conditions

Ivan Kohler ivan at
Mon Dec 7 03:31:14 PST 1998

On Sun, Dec 06, 1998 at 12:57:14PM +1100, Mark Williamson wrote:
> Hello All,
> I see that I will later need to modify Freeside to suit Australian
> conditions...

Most of the internationalization work is done already in the development

> What's different..   
> our phone numbers here are recorded differently.. We use a different
> amount of digits If possible I would like to see this inserted freehand
> up to a certain amount digits

A good idea in general; you would need to modify sub ut_phone and
sub ut_phonen in site_perl/

> Our Postcodes are 4 digits instead the US is 5 digits..  We call it
> Postcode where the US calls it Zip codes

I believe this is in sub check in

> Our states are different.. In Australia we have 7 states..
> Vic
> QL
> Tas
> SA
> WA
> NT

You could add these to the cust_main_county table (and take out the US

In the development version cust_main_county contains county, state, and
country.  I'll add those states in for AU.  (are there some `official' 2-
or 3- letter abbriviations?) 
> I see there is a #SS on the create User form..  I just realized what
> that is for, Social Security Number..  Here in Australian we don't use
> Social Security Numbers..  I Suppose what we in Australia could use that
> field for is to record Date of Birth..

It isn't a required field, so you could leave it blank (even make it
hidden field on the web interface).

> May be a comments field could be added to the user accounts.


> O.K. I will need to modify some of the code..   I haven't looked into
> this as far yet..  what do I need to look out for?  

If you are interested in doing this, you should checkout a copy of the
development version via CVS (see

> O.k. I suppose I will try to keep things simple at first.. As  my
> programming skills are only at best are poor..  and if I try ant thing
> complex I will probably break freeside...  I will really only only be
> adding users from Victoria to the system..   I could just use "Vi" in
> that field as the field width will not be only 2 characters in the 
> Postgres data base files created by Freeside.
> With the phone numbers may be that may need only the CGI code modified
> that creates the newuser for the system..
> Has anyone done a similar thing to this and got it working?
> Thanks
> Mark

Ivan Kohler <ivan at> - finger for PGP key
Silicon Interactive Software Design - - 888-670-SISD
Open-source billing and administration for ISPs -
20 4,16 * * * saytime # please don't be surprised if you find me dreaming too

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