[freeside-devel] Multiple Patches, localization of Freeside

Fernando M. Kiernan fkiernan at id.net.ar
Thu Aug 25 17:43:28 PDT 2016

Please be careful on the order when applying because some patches depends on
other lower numbered to apply cleanly.

They are many small patches so you can decide on applying or not with more

The patch 0074 adds an additional library dependency
(libtime-duration-locale-perl)  and requires an additional library for each
localization language (libtime-duration-fr-perl, libtime-duration-es-perl
and so on), it does just does not translate messages if the language library
is not present.
I have the sources for libtime-duration-es-perl on my server and can send it
to the list if you want it


Fernando M. Kiernan
Imágenes Digitales S.A.

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