
ivan ivan at 420.am
Thu May 9 09:45:46 PDT 2002

1.4.0pre12 has been released and is available from the homepage.

The web demo has NOT yet been updated and it still 1.4.0pre11.

Something very much like this will become 1.4.0beta1 in the near future.

New features in pre12 over pre11 include:

- Name and company searches:
  - now case-insensative
  - pulldown for search type
- Email notification for deleted payments
- History tables - complete history of all database changes
- Alternate invoice templates for things like late noitces
- New export is mostly finished
- ICRADIUS groups
- Signup server
  - Error messages in message catalog
  - Agent is now selectable (multiple signup servers for different agents
    can now run on the same machine)
  - signup_server-realtime configuration option to run cards immediately
  - signup-alternate.html example for free and pay packages on the same
    signup page
- Texas tax


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