[freeside-devel] Does it work with Oracle?

Matthew Goheen mgoheen at iname.com
Fri May 4 06:13:47 PDT 2001

> I would like to know whether anyone has successfully implemented Freeside
> with an Oracle backend.

I started the process, and got through renaming all the various conflicting
column names, but time constraints made me abandon the project.

I don't really think there is much that actually has to be done, other than
getting familiar with the code (which is certainly the biggest obstacle).
The column names that I came up with include "uid" and "date" (and perhaps
"schema" and "comment"?).  I also renamed "gid", just to be consistant with
"uid" (I added "x_" to the names, just to make them easier for me to find,
using just an "_" was more confusing -- a la "_password").

At that point things didn't work, and I ran out of time.  I'd love to see support
added... :-)

	- Matt Goheen

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