[freeside-commits] freeside/bin import-did-inventory,1.1,1.2

Erik Levinson levinse at wavetail.420.am
Fri May 20 23:32:41 PDT 2011

Update of /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/bin
In directory wavetail.420.am:/tmp/cvs-serv9612/bin

Modified Files:
Log Message:
did inventory importing, RT12754

Index: import-did-inventory
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/bin/import-did-inventory,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -w -d -r1.1 -r1.2
--- import-did-inventory	21 May 2011 00:52:48 -0000	1.1
+++ import-did-inventory	21 May 2011 06:32:39 -0000	1.2
@@ -16,8 +16,11 @@
 use FS::rate_center;
 use FS::phone_avail;
 use FS::did_vendor;
+use FS::svc_phone;
 use Data::Dumper;
+print "started time=".time."\n";
 #### SET THESE! #################################
 my $file = '/home/levinse/dids1.csv';
 my $did_vendor_id = 1; 
@@ -46,6 +49,7 @@
 my %did_order = ();
 my %rate_center = ();
 my %rate_center_abbrev = ();
+my %cust2pkg = ();
 my %msamap = ( 
@@ -68,13 +72,16 @@
  'Portland ME' => 38860, 
 my $skipto = 0; 
-my $limit = 0;
+my $limit = 900;
 my $linenum = 1;
-# cache the whole LATA table in one query for performance
+# cache LATA and MSA tables in one query for performance
 my @latas = qsearch('lata', {});
 my %latas = map { $_->latanum => $_->description } @latas;
+my @msas = qsearch('msa', {});
+my %msas = map { $_->msanum => $_->description } @msas;
 # now add in the brain-dead LATA hacks
 $latas{636} = 'BRAINERD-FARGO ND';
 $latas{920} = 'CONNECTICUT';
@@ -84,18 +91,76 @@
 $latas{952} = 'TAMPA FLORIDA';
 $latas{524} = 'KANSAS CITY';
+my $parser = new DateTime::Format::Natural( 'time_zone' => 'local' );
 sub parsedt {
     my ($dt,$min,$max) = (shift,shift,shift);
-    my $parser = new DateTime::Format::Natural( 'time_zone' => 'local' );
     my $epoch = $parser->parse_datetime($dt);
     return $epoch->epoch 
         if ($parser->success && $epoch->epoch >= $min && $epoch->epoch <= $max);
     fatal("invalid date $dt (min=$min, max=$max)");
-sub latacheck {
-    my ($latanum,$latadesc) = (shift,shift);
+sub msatest {
+    my ($their,$our) = (shift,shift);
+    my $a = $our;
+    $a =~ s/,.*?$//;
+    return 1 if $a eq $their;
+    return 1 if ($our =~ /^([\w\s]+)-/ && $1 eq $their);
+    0;
+sub trim {
+    my $str = shift;
+    $str =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
+    $str;
+sub suffer {
+    my $linenum = shift;
+    my @columns = @_;
+    my $did = trim($columns[0]);
+    my $npa = trim($columns[1]);
+    my $state = trim($columns[2]);
+    my $rate_center_abbrev = trim($columns[3]);
+    my $rate_center = trim($columns[4]);
+    my $customer = trim($columns[5]);
+    my $submitted = parsedt(trim($columns[7]),$min_date,$max_date);
+    my $ordernum = trim($columns[8]);
+    return if $ordernum eq 'Unknown'; 
+    my $confirmed = parsedt(trim($columns[9]),$submitted,$max_date);
+    # sometimes, we're in a non-Y2K-compliant bullshit format, differing from
+    # all the other dates. Other times, we randomly change formats multiple times
+    # in the middle of the file for absolutely no reason...wtf
+    my $received = trim($columns[10]); 
+    if ( $received =~ /^(\d{1,2})\/(\d{1,2})\/(\d{2})$/ ) {
+        $received = $2."/".$1."/20".$3;
+    } elsif ( $received !~ /^\d{2}\/\d{2}\/\d{4}$/ ) {
+        fatal("invalid received date $received");
+    }
+    if ( $ordernum == 300383 ) { # another hack due to bad data
+        $received = parsedt($received,1,$max_date) 
+    } else {
+        $received = parsedt($received,$confirmed,$max_date);
+    }
+    my $latanum = trim($columns[12]);
+    my $latadesc = trim($columns[13]);
+    my $msadesc = trim($columns[14]);
+    fatal("invalid DID and/or NPA or NPA doesn't match DID")
+        unless ($did =~ /^(\d{3})\d{7}$/ && $npa == $1);
+    fatal("invalid state, order #, LATA #, or LATA description")
+        unless ($state =~ /^[A-Z]{2}$/  && ($ordernum =~ /^\d+$/ || $ordernum eq 'Test') # more hacks
+                                        && $latanum =~ /^\d{3}$/ 
+                                        && $latadesc =~ /^[\w\s\-]+$/);
+    ### LATA ###
     fatal("no lata found for latanum $latanum") unless exists($latas{$latanum});
     # unsurprisingly, our idea of a LATA name doesn't always match their idea 
@@ -112,12 +177,10 @@
     fatal("their LATA description '$latadesc' doesn't match our LATA description '$ourdesc'")
         unless uc($ourdesc) eq uc($latadesc);
-# XXX: performance
-sub msacheck {
-    my $msadesc = shift;
-    my $state = shift;
+    ### MSA ###
     my $msanum = -1; 
     # XXX: no idea what the MSA is for Danbury, so discard it for now and deal with it manually/later
@@ -135,111 +198,33 @@
             $msanum = $msamap{$msadesc};
         else {
-            my @msa = qsearch('msa', { 'description' => {
-                                                'op' => 'ILIKE',
-                                                'value' => "$msadesc%" 
-                                            }
-                                      });
-            # so now we have two cases for a match and everything else is a non-match
-            foreach my $msa ( @msa ) {
-                # a. our MSA stripped of state portion matches their MSA exactly
-                my $msatest1 = $msa->description;
-                $msatest1 =~ s/,.*?$//;
-                if($msatest1 eq $msadesc) {
-                    fatal("multiple MSA matches (case 1) for $msadesc") unless $msanum == -1;
-                    $msanum = $msa->msanum;
-                }
-                # b. our MSA stripped of state portion and up to the first hyphen matches their MSA exactly
-                my $msatest2 = $msa->description;
-                if($msatest2 =~ /^([\w\s]+)-/ && $1 eq $msadesc) {
-                    fatal("multiple MSA matches (case 2) for $msadesc") unless $msanum == -1;
-                    $msanum = $msa->msanum;
-                }
-            }
+            my @msa = grep { msatest($msadesc,$_->description) } @msas;
+            fatal("multiple MSA matches for '$msadesc'") if(scalar(@msa) > 1);
+            $msanum = $msa[0]->msanum if scalar(@msa) == 1;
             $msamap{$msadesc} = $msanum if $msanum != -1;
         fatal("msa $msadesc not found") if $msanum == -1;
         warn "$msadesc matched msanum $msanum for line $linenum\n" if $debug;
-    $msanum;
-sub ratecentercheck {
-    my ($rate_center, $rate_center_abbrev) = (shift,shift);
+    ### RATE CENTER ###
     if ( exists $rate_center{$rate_center} ) {
         fatal("rate center abbreviation for '$rate_center' doesn't exist or doesn't match '$rate_center_abbrev'")
             unless ( exists $rate_center_abbrev{$rate_center} &&
                       $rate_center_abbrev{$rate_center} eq $rate_center_abbrev);
     } else {
+        print "creating new rate center '$rate_center' '$rate_center_abbrev'\n";
         my $rc = new FS::rate_center{ description => $rate_center };
         my $error = $rc->insert;
-        fatal("can't insert rate center '$rate_center': $error") if $error;
+        fatal("can't insert rate center '$rate_center' '$rate_center_abbrev': $error") 
+            if $error;
         $rate_center{$rate_center} = $rc->ratecenternum;
         $rate_center_abbrev{$rate_center} = $rate_center_abbrev;
+    my $ratecenternum = $rate_center{$rate_center};
-    $rate_center{$rate_center};
-sub trim {
-    my $str = shift;
-    $str =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
-    $str;
-sub suffer {
-    my $linenum = shift;
-    my @columns = @_;
-    my $did = trim($columns[0]);
-    my $npa = trim($columns[1]);
-    my $state = trim($columns[2]);
-    my $rate_center_abbrev = trim($columns[3]);
-    my $rate_center = trim($columns[4]);
-    my $customer = trim($columns[5]);
-    my $submitted = parsedt(trim($columns[7]),$min_date,$max_date);
-    my $ordernum = trim($columns[8]);
-    return if $ordernum eq 'Unknown'; 
-    my $confirmed = parsedt(trim($columns[9]),$submitted,$max_date);
-    # sometimes, we're in a non-Y2K-compliant bullshit format, differing from
-    # all the other dates. Other times, we randomly change formats multiple times
-    # in the middle of the file for absolutely no reason...wtf
-    my $received = trim($columns[10]); 
-    if ( $received =~ /^(\d{1,2})\/(\d{1,2})\/(\d{2})$/ ) {
-        $received = $2."/".$1."/20".$3;
-    } elsif ( $received !~ /^\d{2}\/\d{2}\/\d{4}$/ ) {
-        fatal("invalid received date $received");
-    }
-    if ( $ordernum == 300383 ) { # another hack due to bad data
-        $received = parsedt($received,1,$max_date) 
-    } else {
-        $received = parsedt($received,$confirmed,$max_date);
-    }
-    my $latanum = trim($columns[12]);
-    my $latadesc = trim($columns[13]);
-    my $msadesc = trim($columns[14]);
-    fatal("invalid DID and/or NPA or NPA doesn't match DID")
-        unless ($did =~ /^(\d{3})\d{7}$/ && $npa == $1);
-    fatal("invalid state, order #, LATA #, or LATA description")
-        unless ($state =~ /^[A-Z]{2}$/  && ($ordernum =~ /^\d+$/ || $ordernum eq 'Test') # more hacks
-                                        && $latanum =~ /^\d{3}$/ 
-                                        && $latadesc =~ /^[\w\s\-]+$/);
-    latacheck($latanum,$latadesc);
-    my $msanum = msacheck($msadesc,$state);
-    my $ratecenternum = ratecentercheck($rate_center,$rate_center_abbrev);
-    # now we passed most basic checks/lookups (and possibly created a rate center)
     my $order = order($ordernum,$submitted,$confirmed,$received,$customer);
     my $order_item = order_item($order,$npa,$latanum,$state,$msanum,$ratecenternum);
@@ -249,7 +234,7 @@
     warn "Pass $linenum\n" if $debug;
     my $time = time;
-    warn "Done $linenum time=$time\n" if ($linenum % 100 == 0);
+    print "Done $linenum time=$time\n" if ($linenum % 100 == 0);
 sub phone_avail {
@@ -280,7 +265,6 @@
-# XXX: performance
 sub order_item {
                                         = (shift,shift,shift,shift,shift,shift);
@@ -329,13 +313,40 @@
         if ( exists($custname2num{$customer}) ) {
             $cust{'custnum'} = $custname2num{$customer};
         } else {
+            print "new customer case for '$customer'\n";
             my @cust_main = smart_search('search' => $customer);
             fatal(scalar(@cust_main) . " customers found for $customer") 
                 unless scalar(@cust_main) == 1;
-            $cust{'custnum'} = $cust_main[0]->custnum;
+            my $cust_main = $cust_main[0];
-            # cache it, or we'll be going even slower than we already are
-            $custname2num{$customer} = $cust_main[0]->custnum; 
+            $cust{'custnum'} = $cust_main->custnum;
+            $custname2num{$customer} = $cust_main->custnum; 
+            $cust2pkg{$cust_main->custnum} = {};
+            my @pkgs = $cust_main->ncancelled_pkgs;
+            fatal("no packages") unless scalar(@pkgs);
+            foreach my $pkg ( @pkgs ) {
+                my @avail_part_svc = $pkg->available_part_svc;
+                my @svcpart;
+                foreach my $avail_part_svc ( @avail_part_svc ) {
+                    if ($avail_part_svc->svcdb eq 'svc_phone') {
+                        push @svcpart, $avail_part_svc->svcpart;
+                    }
+                }
+                fatal("multiple svc_phone services") if scalar(@svcpart) > 1;
+                fatal("multiple packages with svc_phone services") 
+                    if (exists $cust2pkg{$cust_main->custnum}->{pkgnum}
+                            && scalar(@svcpart));
+                if(scalar(@svcpart) == 1) {
+                    $cust2pkg{$cust_main->custnum}->{pkgnum} = $pkg->pkgnum;
+                    $cust2pkg{$cust_main->custnum}->{svcpart} = $svcpart[0];
+                }
+            }
+            fatal("no pkg/svc") 
+                unless (exists $cust2pkg{$cust_main->custnum}->{pkgnum}
+                        && exists $cust2pkg{$cust_main->custnum}->{svcpart});
@@ -367,9 +378,6 @@
-# XXX: damn it...this sub increases the import time by a factor of THREE!
-# should probably modify and run it in batch for each customer, as opposed to per DID
-# if import finishes in under two hours, leaving as-is
 sub provision {
     my($did,$customer,$phone_avail) = (shift,shift,shift);
@@ -377,45 +385,27 @@
     # because of the above, we now need to do the internal did db
     # export's job ourselves (set the svcnum for the DID in phone_avail)
-    my $cust_main = qsearchs('cust_main', { custnum => $custname2num{$customer} }) 
-                        || fatal('invalid customer');
-    my @pkgs = $cust_main->ncancelled_pkgs;
-    fatal("no packages") unless scalar(@pkgs);
-    my $thepkg;
-    my $svcpart;
-    foreach my $pkg ( @pkgs ) {
-        my @avail_part_svc = $pkg->available_part_svc;
-        my @svcpart;
-        foreach my $avail_part_svc ( @avail_part_svc ) {
-            if ($avail_part_svc->svcdb eq 'svc_phone') {
-                push @svcpart, $avail_part_svc->svcpart;
-            }
-        }
-        fatal("multiple svc_phone services") if scalar(@svcpart) > 1;
-        fatal("multiple packages with svc_phone services") 
-            if ($thepkg && scalar(@svcpart));
-        if(scalar(@svcpart) == 1) {
-            $thepkg = $pkg;
-            $svcpart = $svcpart[0];
-        }
-    }
-    fatal("no pkg/svc") unless ($thepkg && $svcpart);
+    fatal("customer not found") unless exists $cust2pkg{$custname2num{$customer}};
     my $svc_phone = new FS::svc_phone({
-            pkgnum  => $thepkg->pkgnum,
-            svcpart => $svcpart,
+            pkgnum  => $cust2pkg{$custname2num{$customer}}->{pkgnum},
+            svcpart => $cust2pkg{$custname2num{$customer}}->{svcpart},
             countrycode => 1,
             phonenum    => $did,
+    # -unattaching the exports has no effect
+    # -after each successive call, the time taken to complete 100 rows becomes greater
+    # -commenting out this call results in a constant time taken to complete 100 rows
+    # -after 10K rows we get a random error that makes no sense
     my $error = $svc_phone->insert;
     fatal("can't insert svc_phone: $error") if $error;
-    $phone_avail->svcnum($svc_phone->svcnum);
-    $error = $phone_avail->replace;
-    fatal("can't replace phone_avail: $error") if $error;
+    #$phone_avail->svcnum($svc_phone->svcnum);
+    #$error = $phone_avail->replace;
+    #fatal("can't replace phone_avail: $error") if $error;
@@ -428,7 +418,7 @@
 my $csv = new Text::CSV;
 open (CSV, "<", $file) or die $!;
-warn "Starting main loop time=".time;
+print "Starting main loop time=".time."\n";
 while (<CSV>) {
     if ( $linenum == 1 ) { # skip header
@@ -451,8 +441,8 @@
         suffer($linenum, at columns);
     } else {
         my $err = $csv->error_diag . "(" . $csv->error_input . ")";
-        warn "WARNING: failed to parse line $linenum: " . $csv->error_diag
-            . " (" . $csv->error_input . ")";
+        print "WARNING: failed to parse line $linenum: " . $csv->error_diag
+            . " (" . $csv->error_input . ")\n";

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