[freeside-commits] freeside/bin import-did-inventory,NONE,
Erik Levinson
levinse at wavetail.420.am
Fri May 20 17:52:52 PDT 2011
Update of /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/bin
In directory wavetail.420.am:/tmp/cvs-serv11714/bin
Added Files:
Log Message:
DID inventory import, RT12754
--- NEW FILE: import-did-inventory ---
use strict;
use warnings;
use Text::CSV;
use FS::UID qw(adminsuidsetup);
use FS::cust_main_county;
use FS::Record qw(qsearch qsearchs);
use DateTime::Format::Natural;
use FS::lata;
use FS::msa;
use FS::cust_main;
use FS::cust_main::Search qw(smart_search);
use FS::did_order;
use FS::did_order_item;
use FS::rate_center;
use FS::phone_avail;
my $user = shift;
adminsuidsetup $user;
#### SET THESE! #################################
my $file = '/home/levinse/dids1.csv';
my $did_vendor_id = 1;
my %custname2num = (); # MyCust => 12345,
my $debug = 1;
my $max_date = time;
my $min_date = 1262304000; # January 1st 2010
my %did_order = ();
my %rate_center_cache = ();
my $linenum = 1;
my $csv = new Text::CSV;
open (CSV, "<", $file) or die $!;
sub parsedt {
my ($dt,$min,$max) = (shift,shift,shift);
my $parser = new DateTime::Format::Natural( 'time_zone' => 'local' );
my $epoch = $parser->parse_datetime($dt);
return $epoch->epoch
if ($parser->success && $epoch->epoch >= $min && $epoch->epoch <= $max);
die "invalid date $dt (min=$min, max=$max)";
# XXX: transactions? so that we can fail the import when we "die"
sub suffer {
my $linenum = shift;
my @columns = @_;
my $did = $columns[0];
my $npa = $columns[1];
my $state = $columns[2];
my $rate_center_abbrev = $columns[3];
my $rate_center = $columns[4];
my $customer = $columns[5];
my $submitted = parsedt($columns[7],$min_date,$max_date);
my $ordernum = $columns[8];
my $confirmed = parsedt($columns[9],$submitted,$max_date);
# sometimes, we're in a non-Y2K-compliant bullshit format, differing from
# all the other dates. Other times, we randomly change formats multiple times
# in the middle of the file for absolutely no reason...wtf
my $received = $columns[10];
if ( $received =~ /^(\d{1,2})\/(\d{1,2})\/(\d{2})$/ ) {
$received = $2."/".$1."/20".$3;
} elsif ( $received !~ /^\d{2}\/\d{2}\/\d{4}$/ ) {
die "invalid received date $received";
$received = parsedt($received,$confirmed,$max_date);
my $latanum = $columns[12];
my $latadesc = $columns[13];
my $msadesc = $columns[14];
die "invalid DID and/or NPA or NPA doesn't match DID"
unless ($did =~ /^(\d{3})\d{7}$/ && $npa == $1);
die "invalid state, order #, LATA #, or LATA description"
unless ($state =~ /^[A-Z]{2}$/ && $ordernum =~ /^\d+$/
&& $latanum =~ /^\d{3}$/
&& $latadesc =~ /^[\w\s]+$/);
my $lata = qsearchs('lata', { 'latanum' => $latanum });
die "no lata found for latanum $latanum or multiple results" unless $lata;
# unsurprisingly, our idea of a LATA name doesn't always match their idea
# of the same. Specifically, they randomly expand the state portion and
# abbreviate it arbitrarily
my $latadescription = $lata->description;
$latadescription =~ s/ ..$//; # strip off the fixed state abbreviation portion in ours
$latadesc =~ s/\s\w+$//; # strip off the variable state abbreviation (or full name) portion in theirs
$latadesc = 'CONNECTICUT (SNET)' if $latanum == 920; # hax!
die "CSV file LATA description ($latadesc) doesn't match our LATA description ($latadescription)"
unless uc($latadescription) eq uc($latadesc);
# here comes the bigger unsurprising mess
my $msanum = -1; # means no msa entered
# 1. Danbury isn't a MSA
$msadesc = '' if $msadesc eq 'Danbury';
# 2. not everything in their file has a MSA
if ( $msadesc =~ /^[\w\s]+$/ ) {
# 3. replace this bullshit
$msadesc = "Washington" if $msadesc eq 'Washington DC';
# 4. naturally enough, their idea of a MSA differs from our idea of it
my @msa = qsearch('msa', { 'description' => {
'op' => 'ILIKE',
'value' => $msadesc."%"
# 5. so now we have two cases for a match and everything else is a non-match
foreach my $msa ( @msa ) {
# a. our MSA stripped of state portion matches their MSA exactly
my $msatest1 = $msa->description;
$msatest1 =~ s/,.*?$//;
if($msatest1 eq $msadesc) {
die "multiple MSA matches" unless $msanum == -1;
$msanum = $msa->msanum;
# b. our MSA stripped of state portion and up to the first hyphen matches their MSA exactly
my $msatest2 = $msa->description;
if($msatest2 =~ /^([\w\s]+)-/ && $1 eq $msadesc) {
die "multiple MSA matches" unless $msanum == -1;
$msanum = $msa->msanum;
die "msa $msadesc not found" if $msanum == -1;
print "$msadesc matched msanum $msanum for line $linenum\n" if $debug;
print "Pass $linenum\n" if $debug;
my $order = order($ordernum,$submitted,$confirmed,$received,$customer);
sub order {
my($ordernum,$submitted,$confirmed,$received,$customer) = (shift,shift,shift,shift,shift);
my %cust = ();
if ( $customer ne 'Stock' ) {
if ( exists($custname2num{$customer}) ) {
$cust{'custnum'} = $custname2num{$customer};
} else {
my @cust_main = smart_search('search' => $customer);
die scalar(@cust_main) . " customers found for $customer"
unless scalar(@cust_main) == 1;
$cust{'custnum'} = $cust_main[0]->custnum;
# cache it, or we'll be going even slower than we already are
$custname2num{$customer} = $cust_main[0]->custnum;
my $o;
if( exists $did_order{$ordernum} ) {
$o = $did_order{$ordernum};
die "vendor order #$ordernum - order data differs from one item to another"
unless ($o->submitted == $submitted && $o->confirmed == $confirmed
&& $o->received == $received);
die "customer mismatch for vendor order #$ordernum"
unless (($o->custnum && $cust{'custnum'} && $o->custnum == $cust{'custnum'})
|| (!$o->custnum && !exists($cust{'custnum'})) );
} else {
$did_order{$ordernum} = new FS::did_order{ vendornum => $did_vendor_id,
vendor_order_id => $ordernum,
submitted => $submitted,
confirmed => $confirmed,
received => $received,
$o = $did_order{$ordernum};
die "wtf" unless $o;
sub provision {
local $FS::svc_Common::noexport_hack = 1;
while (<CSV>) {
if ( $linenum == 1 ) { # skip header
if ($csv->parse($_)) {
my @columns = $csv->fields();
suffer($linenum, at columns);
} else {
my $err = $csv->error_input;
print "Failed to parse line $linenum: $err";
close CSV;
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