[freeside-commits] freeside/httemplate/misc timeworked.html, NONE, 1.1 batch-cust_pay.html, 1.7, 1.8
Jeff Finucane,420,,
jeff at wavetail.420.am
Thu Aug 16 06:40:47 PDT 2007
Update of /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/httemplate/misc
In directory wavetail:/tmp/cvs-serv28263/httemplate/misc
Modified Files:
Added Files:
Log Message:
support hours 'usage' tracking for our own internal use (#1733)
--- NEW FILE: timeworked.html ---
<% include('/elements/header.html', $title, '' ) %>
% if ( $cgi->param('error') ) {
<FONT SIZE="+1" COLOR="#ff0000">Error: <% $cgi->param('error') %></FONT>
% }
<FORM NAME="timeworked_form" ACTION="<% popurl(1) %>process/timeworked.html" METHOD=POST>
<% include("elements/customer-table.html", header => [ 'Multiplier' ],
fields => [ 'multiplier' ],
param => { %param },
) %>
<INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="submit" VALUE="<% $title %>">
for transactions/tickets:
% foreach ( sort { $a <=> $b } keys %ticket ) {
<TR><TD><% $_ %></TD><TD><% $ticket{$_} %></TD></TR>
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="transactionid<% $_ %>" VALUE="1" >
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="seconds<% $_ %>" VALUE="<% $cgi->param("seconds$_") %>" >
% }
die "access denied"
unless $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('Time queue');
my($svcnum, %ticket, %customers, %param);
my $title = 'Assign Time Worked';
my $CurrentUser = RT::CurrentUser->new();
foreach my $id ( map { /^transactionid(\d+)$/; $1; }
grep /^transactionid\d+$/, $cgi->param) {
my $transaction = new RT::Transaction($CurrentUser);
my $ticket = new RT::Ticket($CurrentUser);
$ticket{$id} = $ticket->Subject;
foreach my $customerURI (
grep { $_->Resolver->{'fstable'} eq 'cust_main' }
grep { $_->Scheme eq 'freeside' }
map { $_->TargetURI }
@{ $ticket->_Links('Base')->ItemsArrayRef }
) {
$customers{$customerURI->Resolver->AsString} = 1;
my $row = 0;
foreach ( keys %customers ) {
my ($number, $name) = split(':', $_, 2);
$param{"custnum$row"} = $number;
$param{"customer$row"} = $name;
$param{"multiplier$row"} = sprintf("%.2f", 1/scalar(keys(%customers)));
Index: batch-cust_pay.html
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/httemplate/misc/batch-cust_pay.html,v
retrieving revision 1.7
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -u -d -r1.7 -r1.8
--- batch-cust_pay.html 23 Aug 2006 22:25:38 -0000 1.7
+++ batch-cust_pay.html 16 Aug 2007 13:40:44 -0000 1.8
@@ -1,8 +1,5 @@
<% include("/elements/header.html", 'Quick payment entry',
- menubar(
- 'Main Menu' => $p, #popurl(1),
- ),
- ( $cgi->param('error') ? '' : 'onload="addRow()"' ),
+ menubar( 'Main Menu' => $p ),
% if ( $cgi->param('error') ) {
@@ -16,284 +13,13 @@
<!-- <B>Batch</B> <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="paybatch"><BR><BR> -->
-<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
- function clearhint_custnum() {
- //this.style.color = '#000000';
- if ( this.value == 'Not found' || this.value == 'Multiple' ) {
- this.value = '';
- this.style.color = '#000000';
- }
- }
- function clearhint_customer() {
- this.style.color = '#000000';
- if ( this.value == '(last name or company)' || this.value == 'Not found' )
- this.value = '';
- }
- function search_custnum() {
- this.style.color = '#000000'
- var custnum_obj = this;
- var searchrow = this.getAttribute('rownum');
- var custnum = this.value;
- if ( custnum == 'searching...' || custnum == 'Not found' || custnum == '' )
- return;
- if ( this.getAttribute('magic') == 'nosearch' ) {
- this.setAttribute('magic', '');
- return;
- }
- if ( ( rownum - searchrow ) == 1 ) {
- addRow();
- }
- var customer = document.getElementById('customer'+searchrow);
- customer.value = 'searching...';
- customer.disabled = true;
- customer.style.color = '#000000';
- customer.style.backgroundColor = '#dddddd';
- var customer_select = document.getElementById('cust_select'+searchrow);
- //alert('search for custnum ' + custnum + ', row#' + searchrow );
- customer.style.display = '';
- customer_select.style.display = 'none';
- function search_custnum_update(name) {
- var name = eval('(' + name + ')' );
- customer.disabled = false;
- customer.style.backgroundColor = '#ffffff';
- if ( name.length > 0 ) {
- //alert('custnum found: ' + name);
- customer.value = name;
- customer.setAttribute('magic', 'nosearch');
- } else {
- customer.value = 'Not found';
- customer.style.color = '#ff0000';
- custnum_obj.style.color = '#ff0000';
- }
- }
- custnum_search( custnum, search_custnum_update );
- }
- function search_customer() {
- var customer_obj = this;
- var searchrow = this.getAttribute('rownum');
- var customer = this.value;
- if ( customer == 'searching...' || customer == 'Not found' || customer == '' )
- return;
- if ( this.getAttribute('magic') == 'nosearch' ) {
- this.setAttribute('magic', '');
- return;
- }
- if ( ( rownum - searchrow ) == 1 ) {
- addRow();
- }
- var custnum_obj = document.getElementById('custnum'+searchrow);
- custnum_obj.value = 'searching...';
- custnum_obj.disabled = true;
- custnum_obj.style.color = '#000000';
- custnum_obj.style.backgroundColor = '#dddddd';
- var customer_select = document.getElementById('cust_select'+searchrow);
- //alert('search for customer ' + customer + ', row#' + searchrow );
- function search_customer_update(customers) {
- //alert('customers returned: ' + customers);
- var customerArray = eval('(' + customers + ')');
- custnum_obj.disabled = false;
- custnum_obj.style.backgroundColor = '#ffffff';
- if ( customerArray.length == 0 ) {
- custnum_obj.value = 'Not found';
- custnum_obj.style.color = '#ff0000';
- customer_obj.style.color = '#ff0000';
- customer_obj.style.display = '';
- customer_select.style.display = 'none';
- } else if ( customerArray.length == 1 ) {
- //alert('one customer found: ' + customerArray[0]);
- custnum_obj.value = customerArray[0][0];
- customer_obj.value = customerArray[0][1];
- customer_obj.style.display = '';
- customer_select.style.display = 'none';
- } else {
- custnum_obj.value = 'Multiple'; // or something
- custnum_obj.style.color = '#ff0000';
- //alert('multiple customers found, have to create select dropdown');
- //blank the current list
- for ( var i = customer_select.length; i >= 0; i-- )
- customer_select.options[i] = null;
- opt(customer_select, '', 'Multiple customers match "' + customer + '" - select one', '#ff0000');
- //add the multiple customers
- for ( var s = 0; s < customerArray.length; s++ )
- opt(customer_select, customerArray[s][0], customerArray[s][1], '#000000');
- opt(customer_select, 'cancel', '(Edit search string)', '#000000');
- customer_obj.style.display = 'none';
- customer_select.style.display = '';
- }
- }
- smart_search( customer, search_customer_update );
- }
- function select_customer() {
- var custnum = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;
- var customer = this.options[this.selectedIndex].text;
- var searchrow = this.getAttribute('rownum');
- var custnum_obj = document.getElementById('custnum'+searchrow);
- var customer_obj = document.getElementById('customer'+searchrow);
- if ( custnum == '' ) {
- //this.style.color = '#ff0000';
- } else if ( custnum == 'cancel' ) {
- custnum_obj.value = '';
- custnum_obj.style.color = '#000000';
- this.style.display = 'none';
- customer_obj.style.display = '';
- customer_obj.focus();
- } else {
- custnum_obj.value = custnum;
- custnum_obj.style.color = '#000000';
- customer_obj.value = customer;
- customer_obj.style.color = '#000000';
- this.style.display = 'none';
- customer_obj.style.display = '';
- }
- }
- function opt(what,value,text,color) {
- var optionName = new Option(text, value, false, false);
- optionName.style.color = color;
- var length = what.length;
- what.options[length] = optionName;
- }
- <TH>Cust #</TH>
- <TH>Customer</TH>
- <TH>Amount</TH>
- <TH>Check #</TH>
- <TH BGCOLOR="#e8e8e8"></TH>
-% my $row = 0;
-% if ( $cgi->param('error') ) {
-% my $param = $cgi->Vars;
-% for ( $row = 0; exists($param->{"custnum$row"}); $row++ ) {
- <TR>
- <TD>
- <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="custnum<% $row %>" ID="custnum<% $row %>" SIZE=8 MAXLENGTH=12 VALUE="<% $param->{"custnum$row"} %>" rownum="<% $row %>">
- <SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
- var custnum_input<% $row %> = document.getElementById("custnum<% $row %>");
- custnum_input<% $row %>.onfocus = clearhint_custnum;
- custnum_input<% $row %>.onchange = search_custnum;
- </TD>
- <TD>
- <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="customer<% $row %>" ID="customer<% $row %>" SIZE=64 VALUE="<% $param->{"customer$row"} %>" rownum="<% $row %>">
- <SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
- var customer_input<% $row %> = document.getElementById("customer<% $row %>");
- customer_input<% $row %>.onfocus = clearhint_customer;
- customer_input<% $row %>.onclick = clearhint_customer;
- customer_input<% $row %>.onchange = search_customer;
- <SELECT NAME="cust_select<% $row %>" ID="cust_select<% $row %>" rownum="<% $row %>" STYLE="color:#ff0000; display:none">
- <SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
- var customer_select<% $row %> = document.getElementById("cust_select<% $row %>");
- customer_select<% $row %>.onchange = select_customer;
- </TD>
- <TD>
- $<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="paid<% $row %>" SIZE=8 MAXLENGTH=8 VALUE="<% $param->{"paid$row"} %>" >
- </TD>
- <TD>
- <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="payinfo<% $row %>" SIZE=10 VALUE="<% $param->{"payinfo$row"} %>" >
- </TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#e8e8e8">
-% if ( $param->{"error$row"} ) {
- <FONT SIZE="-1" COLOR="#ff0000">Error: <% $param->{"error$row"} %></FONT>
-% }
- </TD>
- </TR>
-% }
-% }
+<% include( "elements/customer-table.html",
+ header => [ '', 'Amount', 'Check #', '' ],
+ fields => [ sub {'$'}, 'paid', 'payinfo', 'error', ],
+ types => [ 'immutable', '', '', 'immutable', ],
+ sizes => [ 0, 8, 10, 0, ],
+ param => { () },
+ ) %>
<!-- <BR>
<INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="TEST addrow" onclick="addRow()"> -->
@@ -302,94 +28,5 @@
<INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="submit" VALUE="Post payment batch">
-<% include('/elements/xmlhttp.html',
- 'url' => $p. 'misc/xmlhttp-cust_main-search.cgi',
- 'subs' => [qw( custnum_search smart_search )],
- )
-<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
- var rownum = <% $row %>;
- function addRow() {
- var table = document.getElementById('OneTrueTable');
- var tablebody = table.getElementsByTagName('tbody').item(0);
- var row = document.createElement('TR');
- var custnum_cell = document.createElement('TD');
- var custnum_input = document.createElement('INPUT');
- custnum_input.setAttribute('name', 'custnum'+rownum);
- custnum_input.setAttribute('id', 'custnum'+rownum);
- custnum_input.setAttribute('size', 8);
- custnum_input.setAttribute('maxlength', 12);
- custnum_input.setAttribute('rownum', rownum);
- custnum_input.onfocus = clearhint_custnum;
- custnum_input.onchange = search_custnum;
- custnum_cell.appendChild(custnum_input);
- row.appendChild(custnum_cell);
- var customer_cell = document.createElement('TD');
- var customer_input = document.createElement('INPUT');
- customer_input.setAttribute('name', 'customer'+rownum);
- customer_input.setAttribute('id', 'customer'+rownum);
- customer_input.setAttribute('size', 64);
- customer_input.setAttribute('value', '(last name or company)' );
- customer_input.setAttribute('rownum', rownum);
- customer_input.onfocus = clearhint_customer;
- customer_input.onclick = clearhint_customer;
- customer_input.onchange = search_customer;
- customer_cell.appendChild(customer_input);
- var customer_select = document.createElement('SELECT');
- customer_select.setAttribute('name', 'cust_select'+rownum);
- customer_select.setAttribute('id', 'cust_select'+rownum);
- customer_select.setAttribute('rownum', rownum);
- customer_select.style.color = '#ff0000';
- customer_select.style.display = 'none';
- customer_select.onchange = select_customer;
- customer_cell.appendChild(customer_select);
- row.appendChild(customer_cell);
- var paid_cell = document.createElement('TD');
- var paid_text = document.createTextNode('$');
- paid_cell.appendChild(paid_text);
- var paid_input = document.createElement('INPUT');
- paid_input.setAttribute('name', 'paid'+rownum);
- paid_input.setAttribute('size', 8);
- paid_input.setAttribute('maxlength', 8);
- paid_cell.appendChild(paid_input);
- row.appendChild(paid_cell);
- var payinfo_cell = document.createElement('TD');
- var payinfo_input = document.createElement('INPUT');
- payinfo_input.setAttribute('name', 'payinfo'+rownum);
- payinfo_input.setAttribute('size', 10);
- payinfo_cell.appendChild(payinfo_input);
- row.appendChild(payinfo_cell);
- var error_cell = document.createElement('TD');
- error_cell.style.backgroundColor = '#e8e8e8';
- row.appendChild(error_cell);
- tablebody.appendChild(row);
- rownum++;
- }
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