[freeside-commits] freeside/httemplate/misc/process timeworked.html, NONE, 1.1
Jeff Finucane,420,,
jeff at wavetail.420.am
Thu Aug 16 06:40:47 PDT 2007
Update of /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/httemplate/misc/process
In directory wavetail:/tmp/cvs-serv28263/httemplate/misc/process
Added Files:
Log Message:
support hours 'usage' tracking for our own internal use (#1733)
--- NEW FILE: timeworked.html ---
% if ($error) {
<% $cgi->redirect(popurl(2). "timeworked.html?". $cgi->query_string) %>
% } else {
<% $cgi->redirect(popurl(3). "search/timeworked.html") %>
% }
my %multipliers = map { /^custnum(\d+)$/; ($cgi->param("custnum$1") => $cgi->param("multiplier$1")); }
grep /^custnum\d+$/, $cgi->param;
my @svc_acct_rt_transaction;
foreach my $transaction (
map { /^transactionid(\d+)$/; $1; } grep /^transactionid\d+$/, $cgi->param
) {
my $seconds = $cgi->param("seconds$transaction");
my %seconds = map { $_ => sprintf("%.0f", $seconds * $multipliers{$_}) }
(keys %multipliers);
my $sum = 0;
my $count = 0;
foreach (values %seconds) {
$sum += $_;
#fudge in some time if we're close
if (abs($seconds-$sum) <= $count) {
my $adjustment = $seconds-$sum;
foreach (keys %seconds) { # explicitly choose one?
$seconds{$_} += $adjustment;
foreach my $customer ( grep {$seconds{$_}} keys %seconds ) {
push @svc_acct_rt_transaction, new FS::svc_acct_rt_transaction {
'custnum' => $customer,
'transaction_id' => $transaction,
'seconds' => $seconds{$customer},
my $error = FS::svc_acct_rt_transaction->batch_insert(@svc_acct_rt_transaction);
$cgi->param('error', $error) if $error;
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