[freeside-users] Upgrade from 3.9 to 4.0

Obinna Chukwujekwu ochukwujekwu at ipnxnigeria.net
Thu Feb 18 23:49:21 PST 2016

I had this issue.


It comes up you had created svc_acct entries that had their passwords changed and were then removed. 


The ‘password_history’ table still have those entries but they are no longer in the svc_acct table.


To resolve simply delete those entries from the password_history table and you can move on.


Run: select * from svc_acct where svcnum not in (select svc_acct__svcnum from password_history); to get all affected entries.



Kind Regards …


Obinna Chukwujekwu
Head, IT Services Delivery 
+234 16280050


From: freeside-users [mailto:freeside-users-bounces at freeside.biz] On Behalf Of Abel Alejandro
Sent: Friday, February 19, 2016 00:59
To: freeside-users at freeside.biz
Subject: [freeside-users] Upgrade from 3.9 to 4.0


Got stuck during freeside-upgrade with this error:

ALTER TABLE password_history ADD FOREIGN KEY ( svc_acct__svcnum ) REFERENCES svc_acct ( svcnum ) ,

  ADD FOREIGN KEY ( svc_dsl__svcnum ) REFERENCES svc_dsl ( svcnum ) ,

  ADD FOREIGN KEY ( svc_alarm__svcnum ) REFERENCES svc_alarm ( svcnum ) ,

  ADD FOREIGN KEY ( agent__agentnum ) REFERENCES agent ( agentnum ) ,

  ADD FOREIGN KEY ( contact__contactnum ) REFERENCES contact ( contactnum ) ,

  ADD FOREIGN KEY ( access_user__usernum ) REFERENCES access_user ( usernum ) 

DBD::Pg::db do failed: ERROR:  insert or update on table "password_history" violates foreign key constraint "password_history_svc_acct__svcnum_fkey"

DETAIL:  Key (svc_acct__svcnum)=(1015) is not present in table "svc_acct". at /usr/local/bin/freeside-upgrade line 299.

Error: ERROR:  insert or update on table "password_history" violates foreign key constraint "password_history_svc_acct__svcnum_fkey"

DETAIL:  Key (svc_acct__svcnum)=(1015) is not present in table "svc_acct".

 executing: ALTER TABLE password_history ADD FOREIGN KEY ( svc_acct__svcnum ) REFERENCES svc_acct ( svcnum ) ,

  ADD FOREIGN KEY ( svc_dsl__svcnum ) REFERENCES svc_dsl ( svcnum ) ,

  ADD FOREIGN KEY ( svc_alarm__svcnum ) REFERENCES svc_alarm ( svcnum ) ,

  ADD FOREIGN KEY ( agent__agentnum ) REFERENCES agent ( agentnum ) ,

  ADD FOREIGN KEY ( contact__contactnum ) REFERENCES contact ( contactnum ) ,

  ADD FOREIGN KEY ( access_user__usernum ) REFERENCES access_user ( usernum )  at /usr/local/bin/freeside-upgrade line 299.


Anyone having the same thing or just me?



Abel Alejandro

787 586 8313 | 787 705 0555


400 Calle Calaf 477

San Juan, PR 00918

aalejandro at alliedtechnologygrouppr.com <mailto:aalejandro at alliedtechnologygrouppr.com> 

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