[freeside-users] How do we clear pending payments?

Kevin A. Etchison k.etchison at tri-lakes.net
Fri Apr 13 19:39:47 PDT 2012

How complicated is it to do this from the psql cli? Do i just need to delete or update specific rows in one or more tables? 


Kevin Etchison 
Tri-lakes Internet, Inc. Customer Care 
k.etchison at tri-lakes.net 
Ph: 417-335-7889 
Fax: 417-973-0403 

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ivan Kohler" <ivan at freeside.biz>
To: "Freeside users mailing list" <freeside-users at freeside.biz>
Sent: Friday, April 13, 2012 9:36:09 PM
Subject: Re: [freeside-users] How do we clear pending payments?

On Tue, Apr 10, 2012 at 01:52:14PM -0500, Kevin A. Etchison wrote:
> Hello,
> We are running FS 2.1.1 and we have a couple of pending payments that 
> need to be removed so we can process new credit card transactions.  
> How do we go about this in the FS WebUI, or is this something that 
> needs to be done at the database and if so what tables data needs to 
> be modified?

Upgrade to 2.1.3 or 2.3.2 to remove or process them from the web UI.

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