[freeside-users] Install 1.9 on CentOS 5.3 DBD::mysql::db do failed

Ivan Kohler ivan at freeside.biz
Sun Mar 28 12:16:24 PDT 2010


Just wanted to let you know that all of these should be now be fixed in 
CVS and the imminent 1.9.2 release should have full MySQL support.  
Details below.

On Sun, Oct 25, 2009 at 03:29:17PM -0700, Jamuel P. Starkey wrote:
> Thanks, Ivan.
> So I've gone and patched other, similar MySQL errors that I see during
> the install--please advise if I should choose different values for the
> statustext column size but I've set all instances to varchar(512):

I went ahead and just supressed indices on statustext columns under 
MySQL for now.  It isn't very commonly needed anyway and we do plan to 
refactor things so that it isn't used at all.

> Then I ran into this regarding multiple auto index columns:
> I jury-rigged this by changing 2 of 3 the columns typed as SERIAL to
> type BIGINT--this undoubtedly will break something so thoughts on this
> would be especially appreciated.
>     'part_pkg_taxoverride' => {
>       'columns' => [
>         'taxoverridenum', 'serial', '', '', '', '',
> -        'pkgpart',        'serial', '', '', '', '',
> -        'taxclassnum',    'serial', '', '', '', '',
> +        'pkgpart',        'bigint', '', '', '', '',
> +        'taxclassnum',    'bigint', '', '', '', '',

No, they shouldn't have been SERIAL in the first place.  I changed them 
to INT.

> Next I ran into logo.eps fails binary comparison
> [...]
> I commented out the offending perl since a binary comparison failure of
> a logo seems trivial (pls tell me if I'm wrong):

I agree you could get things installed without it, but as it turned out, 
it did indicate that TEXT was far too small a column type to use in 
MySQL for the storage of data like logos.  Fixed now.

> Finally I see these which I've chosen to ignore:
> NO CONFIGURATION TABLE FOUND at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/FS/UID.pm

I supressed the "NO CONFIGURATION TABLE FOUND" warnings at setup time.

> Invalid country code: AX chosen at
> /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/Locale/SubCountry.pm line 518.

I wouldn't be worried about the "Invalid country code" warnings unless 
you sell into one of those countries and need the states or provinces 
drop-down populated.

> I'd be happy to test any patches that you might provide.

Sorry I wasn't able to think about this much before now.  At this point, 
I think everything should be working under MySQL (with the possible 
exception of taxation with tax data provided by CCH).

I'd certainly appreciate any reports about (or help with) any MySQL 
incompatibilities in current FREESIDE_1_9_BRANCH (or HEAD, for that 
matter), from CVS or 


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