[freeside-users] Can't add new user via signup.cgi and first package field is blank

Ivan Kohler ivan at freeside.biz
Tue Aug 3 17:37:43 PDT 2010

On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 11:33:58AM +0100, AWalton wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to get freeside up and runing. I am using version 1.9.3
> on Debian Lenny. The freeside server seems to be up and running OK
> and I have managed to get the SSH link working between my public
> web-server and the freeside-selfservice-server working. However when
> I try to create a new user, I can enter all the available fields but
> the 'First Package' field is blank (nothing in the drop down). If I
> complete all other obligatory fields and submit, the web server
> comes back with the same completed page, no errors and no feedback
> to say success. Yet there is no user created. I can not work out how
> to populate the 'First Package' field and nothing that I have edited
> on the freeside server with regard to Self-Service settings seems to
> change this. I do have 3 packages defined, maybe there is more to do
> in this regard.
> I do know however that something is being exchanged over the SSH
> link because if I add new advertising agents on the freeside server
> and then restart the self-service server, I can then see these
> advertising agents in the field 'Where did you hear about us'.
> What is happening any idea?



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