[freeside-users] upgrade questions

Gerald Livingston gerald.freeside at sysmatrix.net
Sat Apr 4 09:20:48 PDT 2009

I've poked around a bit in the search functions of the forum and been on 
the Wiki but haven't quite found what I'm looking for.

I'm having to combine the new-install and upgrade instructions. I am 
running a production 1.5.8 server that I am not willing to do an 
in-place upgrade on.

So, I have built a new machine for freeside and have done the 
prerequisites for installing 1.7.x on Debian 5.0.

I have exported my PgSQL 7.4 freeside database and imported it to PgSQL 
8.3 on the new machine.

And there, I'm stuck. What do I need to move to the new machine to keep 
the same agents/passwords? Which set of instructions should I be 
following at this point, upgrade or new install. I'm going through the 
steps with a db export I did a couple of days ago. When I'm sure I have 
it all down so it works I'll do a fresh export after shutting down the 
current production server and redo the entire process from scratch.

Will there be any issues installing RT after I do enough of the upgrade 
to have a running server again? Not running RT on my current install.

And, finally, what's the current timeline look like on 1.9? 1.7 became a 
release not long after I got 1.5 into production use at my site. I'd 
hate to get this running and discover I should have just installed 1.9 
because it's time for an upgrade 3 months from now.

Thanks all,


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