[freeside-users] failed to resolve handler HTML::Mason

Richard Siddall richard.siddall at elirion.net
Thu Feb 1 21:10:19 PST 2007

Cory Robson wrote:
> Ok I have asked before but nobody responded.
> Apache2, mod_Perl2 Fedora 6 install
> I need to confirm the settings in apache for freeside to function.
> Currently I'm getting "failed to resolve handler HTML::Mason" in my logs and
> no pages being served up.
> My apache is running as user freeside and my config is as follows:
> PerlModule HTML::Mason
> <Directory /var/www/html/freeside>
> AuthName Freeside
> AuthType Basic
> AuthUserFile /usr/local/etc/freeside/htpasswd
> require valid-user
> Options +Includes +ExecCGI
> AddHandler Perl-script .cgi .html
> PerlResponseHandler HTML::Mason
> require “/usr/local/etc/freeside/handler.pl”
> </Directory>
> Can anyone please tell me what I have missed ?

I just looked at my Apache config file from 
and noted that the PerlResponseHandler directive is inside a <Files  ~ 
(\.cgi|\.html)> block.  I seem to remember that mod_perl2 is more picky 
about where you put directives.

BTW, I assume you're using straight double quotes throughout; you've got 
typographic quotes above.



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