[freeside-users] FWD: Re: rainbowshops.com 3978520

John Barker freesidelist at cci.net.au
Thu Aug 10 04:42:47 PDT 2006

> Is there an install doc?  I asked a while ago and was told that it's lack
> was a feature of freeside.]


username and password is guest and guest.  It is short and to the point and
assumes that you have the necessary knowledge but it contains every step
necessary to install freeside and its even 99% accurate... that
"freeside-setup -d myisp.net.au user"  never worked for me..

I have used freeside for many years and have been a ghost on this list for
many years too... there is a lack of documentation and often the list is
errr.. unresponsive but the end product is worthwhile, does absolutely
everything it claims to do and it does it well.

Take your time, work your way through the install doc and if you get stuck
google for an answer.  If your still stuck then post.


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