[freeside-users] What does 'separate iteration of Apache [-SSL] with mod_perl .. ' mean?

Dave ddx66 at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 11 10:57:36 PST 2005

The best way to understand this is via an example:

Your linux box already has apache installed and you
are running it. Let us assume it is running as user
"nobody" or "apache". Also assume that this apache is
being used for some purpose. 

If you install freeside on this box, then DO NOT use
the running instance of apache as your web server.
What I would do is get the source files for apache and
install/compile the sources under /opt/apache2 for
example. Then I would configure this apache to listen
on port 8080 and also set the owner/group to freeside.

So now you have the apache running on port 8080
dedicated to freeside. 


--- sivaharan Balasubramaniam <lovevasi at yahoo.com>

> Hi guys,
>    I am a newbie... and do not seem to get what this
> mean. Please someone help me on this.
> What does this mean (from installation document):
>     Run a separate iteration of Apache[-SSL] with
> mod_perl enabled as the freeside user. 
> Any help would be very much appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Siva
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