[freeside] Re: Freeside and Radius sql

Peter Kolbe peter at venturenet.co.za
Tue May 17 22:56:50 PDT 2005

thanks Scott.

will try that

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <scott at ruralnetwork.net>
To: <ivan-freeside at sisd.com>
Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2005 10:01 PM
Subject: [freeside] Re: Freeside and Radius sql

> This is my follow up to Peter Kolbe's question about Freeside's query
> performance with a SQL radius database.


> In this freeside perl module:
> freeside/FS/FS/cust_svc.pm
> The mechanism for handling datetime conversions from Postgresql's native 
> format to "unix timestamp" format, is defined in this routine:
>  #select a unix time conversion function based on database type
>    my $str2time;
>    if ( $dbh->{Driver}->{Name} eq 'mysql' ) {
>      $str2time = 'UNIX_TIMESTAMP(';
>    } elsif ( $dbh->{Driver}->{Name} eq 'Pg' ) {
>      $str2time = 'EXTRACT( EPOCH FROM ';
>    } else {
>      warn "warning: unknown database type ". $dbh->{Driver}->{Name}.
>           "; guessing how to convert to UNIX timestamps";
>      $str2time = 'extract(epoch from ';
>    }
> the important line being:
>      $str2time = 'EXTRACT( EPOCH FROM ';
> ----------
> Here are a couple of Postgresql analyze queries I performed.
> This first is analogous to Freeside's way of performing the 
> seconds_since_sqlradacct()
> calculation when using Postgresql:
> radius=> explain analyze SELECT SUM(acctsessiontime) FROM radacct WHERE 
> UserName =  'scott' AND EXTRACT( EPOCH FROM AcctStartTime) >= 
> '1083391200' AND EXTRACT( EPOCH FROM AcctStopTime) <  '1083745740' AND 
> EXTRACT( EPOCH FROM AcctStopTime ) > 0 AND AcctStopTime IS NOT NULL;
> Total runtime: 10463.385 ms
> The second version is "more-postgres-native" way of calculating the 
> seconds_since_sqlradacct():
> radius=> explain analyze SELECT SUM( EXTRACT( EPOCH FROM AcctStopTime ) - 
> '1083391200' ) FROM radacct WHERE UserName =  'scott' AND EXTRACT( EPOCH 
> FROM AcctStartTime ) < '1083391200' AND EXTRACT( EPOCH FROM AcctStopTime ) 
>  >=  '1083391200' AND EXTRACT( EPOCH FROM AcctStopTime ) <  '1083745740' 
> AND EXTRACT( EPOCH FROM AcctStopTime ) > 0 AND AcctStopTime IS NOT NULL;
> Total runtime: 2.395 ms
> Obviously, the second version is MUCH faster.
> This holds true, even if you create a specially-crafted index due to this 
> limitation of Postgresql as described by Postgresql developer Tom Lane:
> http://groups-beta.google.com/group/comp.databases.postgresql.general/msg/23855147a2d383f5?hl=en
>> This is ye olde bog-standard "can't index a cross-datatype comparison"
>> problem.
> ----------
> My workaround was to customize the  seconds_since_sqlradacct() subroutine 
> to not extract epoch seconds and, instead, operate directly on the 
> Postgresql timestamps, replacing this section:
>    #find closed sessions completely within the given range
>    my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT SUM(acctsessiontime)
>                               FROM radacct
>                               WHERE UserName = ?
>                                 AND $str2time AcctStartTime) >= ?
>                                 AND $str2time AcctStopTime ) <  ?
>                                 AND $str2time AcctStopTime ) > 0
>                                 AND AcctStopTime IS NOT NULL"
>    ) or die $dbh->errstr;
> with this:
>    #find closed sessions completely within the given range
>    my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT SUM($attrib)
>                               FROM radacct
>                               WHERE UserName = ?
>                                 AND $str2time AcctStopTime ) >= ?
>                                 AND $str2time AcctStopTime ) <  ?
>                                 AND AcctStopTime IS NOT NULL"
>    ) or die $dbh->errstr;
> There are several others changes I made to this module to make this work, 
> but I feel it's too hackish to publish.
> ----------
> Where do we go from here?  Well, version 8.0 of Postgresql added this 
> interesting feature:
> --
> http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.0/static/release-8-0.html
> E.4.4.1. Performance Improvements
>    * Support cross-data-type index usage (Tom)
>      Before this change, many queries would not use an index if the data 
> types did not match exactly. This improvement makes index usage more 
> intuitive and consistent.
> ----------
> So, my plan is to try using unmodified freeside, Postgresql 8.0, and a 
> suitable cross-data-type index, and see if that provides acceptable 
> peformance.
> If that doesn't work, then I will refine my existing "hacks" into 
> "patches" and offer these back to Ivan.
> ----------
> Note that there were some time-related bugs in Postgresql that were fixed 
> in only very recently in versions 8.0.3, 7.4.7, and 7.3.10:
> http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.0/interactive/release.html#RELEASE-8-0-3
> *  Fix comparisons of TIME WITH TIME ZONE values
> The comparison code was wrong in the case where 
> the --enable-integer-datetimes configuration switch had been used. NOTE: 
> if you have an index on a TIME WITH TIME ZONE column, it will need to be 
> REINDEXed after installing this update, because the fix corrects the sort 
> order of column values.
> Fix mis-display of negative fractional seconds in INTERVAL values
> This error only occurred when the --enable-integer-datetimes configuration 
> switch had been used.
> Regards,
> Scott Langley
> scott at ruralnetwork.net
> Systems Administrator
> Rural Network Services

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