DBD::Pg 1.40_1 should fix "Use of uninitialized value in die" errors

ivan ivan at 420.am
Thu Mar 31 14:56:28 PST 2005


DBD::Pg 1.40 has a bug (http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/Bug.html?id=12004)
that manifests as a "Use of uninitialized value in die" error on a line
that contains a "$dbh->commit" statement; typically in freeside-setup
for new installs.

If you were having problems with DBD::Pg 1.40, please test the 1.40_1 
snapshot of the upcoming 1.41 release and report if it works for you.

DBD::Pg 1.40_1 may be found at:


or direct link to a download:




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