Sign up page

Albert Whale aewhale at
Tue Mar 22 18:56:08 PST 2005

I am using the sign up page to permit Internet Users to sign up on-line.

However my Sign up page is not displaying the items I wish the users to 
use to sign up.  While I did change the name of a few items, I did not 
expect that a name change would take them off od the signup page.

Is there something in the signup.html page for selecting the packages?

    foreach my $package ( @{$packages} ) {
      $OUT .= '<OPTION VALUE="'. $package->{'pkgpart'}. '"';
      $OUT .= ' SELECTED' if $pkgpart && $package->{'pkgpart'} == $pkgpart;
      $OUT .= '>'. $package->{'pkg'};

Only 5 of 9 packages appear in the signup page, but I see no errors in 
selecting the packages.  What am I missing?

Albert E. Whale, CHS CISA CISSP
Sr. Security, Network, Risk Assessment and Systems Consultant
ABS Computer Technology, Inc. -
SPAM Zapper - - - SPAM Stops Here.
President of the Pittsburgh InfraGard Alliance

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