[freeside-users] usergroup- ICRADIUS/FreeRADIUS groups

Karl Hiramoto karl at hiramoto.org
Tue Jul 12 13:28:45 PDT 2005

I've got the radius exports for the users working, but I can not get 
usergroup to set anything but blank

Calling from "Edit Service Definition" the URL    

table svc_acct

I hit the "add new group" button  but after hitting "apply changes"  the 
group does not come up.   The changes disappear. 

my goal is to have users / groups exported to radius.

Any ideas?



Karl Hiramoto <karl at hiramoto.org>
US VOIP: (1) 603.966.4448
Spain Casa  (34) 952.827.554
Spain Mobil (34) 617.463.826
Yahoo_IM = karl_hiramoto   jabber.org=karl_hiramoto

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